If you build equipment, furniture, or subsets for automobiles or aeronautics, whether it is informative marking, traceability, decor, or command interface for your devices, the imperatives of performance, durability, and quality are primordial for contributing to your products’ added value.

You probably wish to reunite all these conditions which make up an important stake for client satisfaction and will make your activity last in the long term. Our expertise and our technical solutions await you.
Whatever the nature, destination, or function of your industrial marking, with the help of our proven technical experience, referenced in the medical, automobile, and aeronautics fields, our solutions will help you satisfy your objectives thanks to the design, the quality of the functionalities, as well as the durability of your markings and product labels.
It will therefore be easier, with the guarantee of an impeccable qualitative signature on your products, to appeal to your customers.
In order to exchange on your industrial marking project, click here and an adviser will contact you as soon as today.
Imperatives for industrial marking in each domain

Automobile marking: extreme requirements
Industrial marking in the automobile field is quite varied, as it will involve traceability markings, indications with the use of instruction labels, control of security spots, as well as the display of information on dashboards.
The constraints are also considerable as there will need to be markings in the passenger cabin, the motor compartment, or even on exterior bodies such as a car’s chassis or other such elements. The imperatives for resistance, durability and design are extreme.

Durability, design and sanitary imperatives
Equipment marking, or marking on apparatus or on medial furniture need unfailing functionalities and specific care in the design so that the labels visually suit the materials. Whether it be signaletic markings, instruction labels, man-machine command interfaces or even decors, markings need to be resistant and respect sanitary imperatives. DB TECHNIQUE’s solutions are proven, and are referenced in this domain.

Functionality and esthetics: client challenges
Concerning heating and air-conditioning fields, even if the conditions of use refer to a domestic environment, the constraints remain important because of the temperature variations of the organs and intensive handling.
The issue therefore is resistance and durability of the materials, but the design element also becomes more and more important, with the current evolution of these devices towards a more modern look and the high requirements of the consumers. DB TECHNIQUE has experience in this field and answers to those types of challenges through nameplate labels and control interfaces.

Also requirements concerning equipment goods
Industrial or domestic equipment goods do not escape the marking requirements both for the regulatory aspect through nameplates or instruction labeling , as well as respecting the devices’ aesthetism. The applications remain varied, nameplates and regulatory labels, front-panel, IHM control interfaces. Thanks to its strong experience in this field, DB TECHNIQUE surely has a solution for you.